Overleaf for booklet draft on Ordinary Differential Equations for third-semester students taking Mathematics course in SibSUTIS, Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering (in Russian) // Ссылка на оверлиф черновика методички по Обыкновенным дифференциальным уравнениям для студентов третьего семестра, изучающих курс математики на ФИВТ в СибГУТИ:
Online visual editor that can generate a tikz code of the picture:
A simple online visual tool for working with graphs, easy to try some classic algorithms, highly recommend for those doing their first course in graph theory to play around and learn:
Websites for drawing (visual to png/svg/tikz) and simulation of finite state automata: and
Форма обратной связи (Russian):
Каждый человек, имеющий возможность назвать меня своим преподавателем, может (и это крайне приветствуется с моей стороны) заполнить гугл-форму ниже - неважно, как давно это было.
Teaching courses:
Gymnasium no. 5 in Novosibirsk, Russia:
2014/15, elective course "Mathematics for 5th grade".
NSU in Novosibirsk, Russia:
2018/19: tutor in Advanced Algebra for first-year students of the Department of Mathematics and Mechanics.
SibSUTIS in Novosibirsk, Russia:
2018/19, teaching assistant in a 1-year Calculus course for first-year students of the Faculty of Automatic Telecommunications.
2018/19, teaching assistant in a 1-year Mathematics course for first-year students of the Faculty of Mobile Radio and Multimedia.
2018/19, 19/20, 20/21, and 21/22: teaching assistant (in 21/22 also lector) in a half-year Automata Theory course for four-year students of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering.
2019/20/21 and 20/21/22: teaching assistant in a 1.5-year Mathematics course for first- and second-year students of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering.
2019/20 and 20/21: teaching assistant in a half-year Advanced Calculus course for second-year students of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering.
2019/20 and 20/21, pre-entry courses in mathematics for 10th (penultimate) grade high school students.
2020/21: teaching assistant in a half-year Algebra and Geometry course for first-year students of the Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering.
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands:
2021/22, 22/23, and 23/24, instructor in a one-quartile Algebraic Combinatorics course (2MMD50) for master students.
2023/24, instructor in a one-quartile Graph Theory and Applications course (2MBD10) for first-year bachelor students.